Feed-in Tariff for businesses

Not a business? Go to our British Gas residential website for help.

In this article

What are business Feed-in Tariffs (FiTs)?

FiT closure information

FiT change of ownership

FiT switch request

FiT payment rates

What are business Feed-in Tariffs (FiTs)?

  • Cashback for generating green electricity
  • Financial incentive for commercial businesses who have installed their own renewable or low-carbon electricity-generating technologies
  • UK Government backed scheme also known as Clean Energy Cashback

The Feed-in Tariff (FiT) scheme closed to new applicants on 1st April 2019. Read more about the FiT scheme on the Ofgem website.

If you're not already registered for FiT, but you have installed renewable or low carbon technology, you may be able to apply for the Smart Export Guarantee.

FiT closure information

The Feed-in Tariff (FiT) scheme closed to new applicants on 1 April 2019. If you're already registered for FiT, this won't affect you. FiT applications that were received before 31 March 2020 can still be processed provided there is space for the installation in the relevant deployment cap. This limits the number of installations that can register during a particular three-month period and is monitored by Ofgem.

FiT change of ownership

Apply for an existing British Gas Feed-in Tariff to be registered in your name using the Feed-in Tariff Change of Ownership Form (pdf, 341kb).

Read our terms and conditions (pdf, 2.9mb) and our privacy policy.

FiT switch request

Switch your FiT payments to British Gas from another FiT Licensee using our FiT Switch Request Form (pdf,1.4mb).

Read our terms and conditions (pdf, 2.9mb) and our privacy policy.

FiT payment rates

For the latest Feed-in Tariff rates, see the Ofgem website.

Contact us

Email us at: feedintariff@britishgas.co.uk.

Or submit a reading and we'll process your FiT payment.

We can now make your payments by bank transfer

To change your payment method, submit your next reading by email at the above address and tell us your bank details.

You have a new installation ID

Please be aware that your installation ID has recently changed. We’re doing our best to contact everybody, but we might not have got to you yet. If in doubt, drop us a line at the above email address, including your old installation ID, and we’ll provide you with your new one.

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