How a business electricity smart meter works
When we have your monthly meter readings sent automatically, we can make sure your bills are more accurate and potentially help you make energy savings.
Four main meter types
To help you understand your electricity smart meter and get the most from it, take a look at our visual guide to the four main meter types:
- This button is sealed and can only be used by your smart meter engineer
- Use this button to see the date, time and your current meter readings
- This optical port is used by your smart meter engineer
- This is the serial number of your smart meter. You'll see it on all your bills too
- The pulsing lights show how much energy you're using
- The arrow on your screen shows your current usage rate
- This tells you the make and model of your smart meter
- This button is sealed and can only be used by your smart meter engineer
- Use this button to see the date, time and your current meter readings
- This optical port is used by your smart meter engineer
- This is the serial number of your smart meter. You'll see it on all your bills too
- The pulsing lights show how much energy you're using
- The arrow on your screen shows your current usage rate
- This tells you the make and model of your smart meter
- This button is sealed and can only be used by your smart meter engineer
- Use this button to see the date, time and your current meter readings
- This optical port is used by your smart meter engineer
- This is the serial number of your smart meter. You'll see it on all your bills too
- The pulsing lights show how much energy you're using
- The arrow on your screen shows your current usage rate
- This tells you the make and model of your smart meter
- Button A is used to manually scroll through custom display items
- Button B can only be used by your smart meter engineer
- This is the serial number of your smart meter you'll see it on all your bills too
- This tells you the make and model of your smart meter
- LED flashes when power is going through the meter, the more power passing the faster the LED flashes
Making the installation process clear and easy
We've signed up to the Consolidated Metering Code of Practice (CoMCoP), which means we're committed to making the installation process clear and easy for our customers.