Dual fuel energy tariff – get the best dual fuel deal for you

Most suppliers offer two basic tariff types – fixed and variable. Let's find the best dual fuel energy tariff for you.

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What is a dual fuel energy tariff?

If you use both electricity and gas in your home, you can combine these to get one energy bill by choosing a dual fuel tariff. Dual fuel simply means you get your gas and electricity from the same energy supplier. If you receive an electricity bill from one supplier and your gas bill from a different supplier, then you are not on a dual fuel tariff.

Dual fuel tariffs are very popular. By getting all your energy from one supplier you’ll only need to deal with one bill, one monthly or quarterly payment and one point of contact.

Dual fuel benefits

Changing to a dual fuel tariff can be a much more convenient way to see how much gas and electricity you’re using and what your total bill is each month, helping you to budget more easily.

Manage your energy in one place

A dual fuel tariff makes it’s quicker and easier to manage your energy account as everything is in one place and any queries can be sorted by one contact.

See your total energy usage at a glance

Most energy companies will send you a combined gas and electricity bill, that shows your total usage and costs, which may help you to keep track and even save energy

Are dual fuel tariffs the best deal?

Whilst dual fuel is more convenient, it’s not always the cheapest option. The key is to compare all the tariffs available on the energy market and find the right one for you. Remember, the price you pay is largely dependent on where you live and how much energy you use.

Ask your current suppliers about dual fuel

It’s easy to switch to a dual fuel tariff – contact your individual electricity and gas providers to see what deals they can offer you.    

Compare best dual fuel deals

Most energy suppliers offer dual fuel tariffs. Be sure to shop around and compare prices with other providers.  You don’t have to switch to one of your current suppliers if you don’t want to. You can switch one or both of your fuels to a new provider to get the best dual fuel deal.  

Dual fuel tariffs. What dual fuel tariffs are available?

Most suppliers offer two tariff types: Fixed, Variable and many with Green features typically using 100% renewable electricity or 100% zero-carbon electricity

Check out our online tariffs

How to compare the best dual fuel tariff deals

Have a recent bill to hand from your current gas and electricity providers. Then use supplier or comparison websites to find the best dual fuel tariff deals based on your consumption and preferences.

Dual fuel comparison – what to look out for before you switch

  • Is it a fixed or variable tariff? Do you want peace of mind knowing you won’t be affected by rising wholesale prices? Read our fixed versus variable tariffs guide to help you decide
  • Can you manage your energy online? It’s quicker and more convenient and an online only tariff could be cheaper
  • How do you want to pay? You could save money if you pay by monthly Direct Debit
  • Exit fees – if you have a fixed-rate dual fuel tariff but want to switch to another supplier before your deal ends you may have to pay an exit fee for leaving early. Check your terms and conditions to see if they apply.

Compare like-for-like dual fuel deals

As with all comparisons, make sure you’re comparing like-for-like. And before you start, take a look at our How to compare energy suppliers guide.

British Gas dual fuel. Looking for lower dual fuel energy bills?

See what you could save by switching to British Gas dual fuel. Get a quote online in minutes. Just have a recent bill and your current tariff details handy.

Get a dual fuel quote

How else can I get cheaper energy bills?

The rising cost of living and wholesale energy prices means it’s more important than ever to save energy where you can. Just making a few tweaks to your everyday energy habits can make a big difference. If you’re using less, you’re spending less. And you’ll be doing your bit to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Check out our Energy Saving Tips guide. It’s packed full of smart ideas to help you use less energy and save on bills. 

Want to know more?

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