More half-price electricity with PeakSave Green Flex
With PeakSave Green Flex events you get half-price electricity when we expect there’ll be lots of renewable energy available. We expect most events to take place during the spring and summer months.1
What’s PeakSave Green Flex?
They’re short, one or two-hour events where you can get your electricity for half price. You can be on any tariff to take part. And by moving your electricity use to when there’s likely to be lots of renewable energy around, you’re saving money and helping the planet. It’s a win-win!
More about making greater use of renewable energy with demand flexibility.
How to take part
To save money with PeakSave Green Flex you’ll need to:
Be a British Gas customer
Whatever tariff you’re on, if you get your electricity from us, you can join PeakSave. Not a customer yet? We’d love you to join and getting a quote is simple.
Have a smart electricity meter
Booking your free installation is simple. Just log in to your account and see if there's an upgrade invitation. If not, check back regularly.
Join PeakSave
Register your interest in PeakSave and we’ll be in touch once everything’s ready.
Login to your account and click on the 'PeakSave' tab to join
How do PeakSave Green Flex events work?
Green Flex events take place at certain times, depending on how sunny or windy it gets in the UK.
On your marks
Already a PeakSaver? Then you’re all set. If not, register for PeakSave and we’ll let you know when everything’s up and running.
Get set
We’ll email you if there’s an event coming up, either on the day or the day before. You’ll need to opt in to take part.
Power up with half-price electricity. So, think dishwasher, washing machine, or vacuum cleaner. Tumble dryer? Even better!
Everyone wins
Your smart meter will tell us how much you used, and we'll work out your credit.
When will I receive my PeakSave Green Flex credit?
After each event, we’ll credit half of what you spent back to your account and the payment will show up as ‘PeakSave Green Flex Credit’ on your next bill or online statement.
It’ll normally appear within two weeks of each event ending.
If you prepay for your electricity
Your credit will be automatically added to your meter each month - normally within 10 working days after the month ends.
We’ll include any Green Flex savings you make in your PeakSave monthly summary.
PeakSave Green Flex benefits
Save money
Any electricity you use during the events is half price.1
Helping the planet
You’re powering your home when there’s likely to be lots of renewable energy available.
Shine a light on your energy use
Better understanding of which appliances use the most electricity in your home.
PeakSave Green Flex Tips
During PeakSave Green Flex events, any electricity you use is half price so it’s a great opportunity to put those big appliances to work. 1
So, on your marks, get set and start saving...
Catch up on chores
Big appliances like washing machines, tumble dryers and dishwashers use the most electricity. Put them through their paces and get everything clean for half the price.1
Half-price feasts – prep, freeze and save
Electric ovens and other kitchen gadgets also use a lot of power. Use half-price electricity for cooking or prepping meals in one go. Just pop the rest in the freezer ready for the week, and you’re good to go.
Put your green fingers to work
Electric mowers and other garden tools can be pretty power-hungry too, so it’ll pay to do a quick lap of honour mowing the lawn.
Want to be a PeakSave Green Flex superstar? Check out our energy-saving tips to help you find out which appliances use the most energy.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are PeakSave Green Flex events?
PeakSave Green Flex events reward customers for moving electricity use to times when there is likely to be lots of renewable electricity available in the UK’s energy system. This could be because of lower demand from business and industry, large amounts of renewable energy being produced with windier or sunnier weather conditions, or both.
PeakSave Green Flex events are opportunities for customers who have smart meters and are signed up to PeakSave to take advantage of cheaper electricity when there’s more renewable energy available.
You’ll need to opt into each event. And because the UK’s weather can be unpredictable, we can only let you know about them either on the day or the day before they happen.
During an event, use as much half-price electricity as you need.1 Not only will you be saving money, but by moving your electricity use to a Green Flex event, you’ll also be helping to power your home when there’s likely to be more renewable energy available.
And each month, we'll also send you an email to show you how much you've saved with PeakSave.
Do I need to be on a special tariff to take part in PeakSave Green Flex?
No. Once you sign up for PeakSave, you can start saving money when there’s a Green Flex event, no matter which tariff you're on.
I’m a PeakSaver already, am I automatically included in each PeakSave Green Flex event?
If your smart meter is sending us regular readings, we’ll invite you to take part in every PeakSave Green Flex event. You’ll need to opt into each one to get half-price electricity.
You’ll be invited to take part in a PeakSave Green Flex event if your smart meter has sent us 90% of your meter readings in the last 14 days.
This is because we need regular readings from your smart meter to work out your savings.
Can I join PeakSave Green Flex events if I have a prepayment meter?
Yes. Sign up to find out about all our PeakSave events and how you can make the most of them.
How will you know how much electricity I’ve used?
We’ll keep track of how much you use through your smart meter, and credit your account or meter back with half of what you spend.
You’ll be able to see how much electricity you use each PeakSave Green Flex event with your smart energy monitor or, if you prefer, you can use your British Gas Energy app.
Will taking part in PeakSave Green Flex events change my tariff or prices?
No, PeakSave Green Flex events won’t change anything about your energy tariff or the prices you pay.
You’ll be charged for the electricity you use during the events at your normal rate. But after each event, we’ll credit half of what you spent back to your account and the payment will show up as 'PeakSave Green Flex Credit' on your next bill or online statement.
If you prepay for your electricity, your credit will be automatically added to your meter each month - normally within 10 working days after the month ends.
Will I also pay half price for any gas I use during the PeakSave events?
No. Only electricity is half price during PeakSave Green Flex events and you’ll pay your daily standing charge at your normal rate. This will not be discounted.
Is there anything I shouldn’t do during the PeakSave Green Flex events?
While any electricity you use during the events will be half price, we don’t recommend you go out of your way to use excessive amounts of electricity unnecessarily.1
You could end up spending significantly more on electricity than you normally would, even with the half-price discount.
What if I can’t take part in a PeakSave Green Flex event or change my mind?
If you don’t want to take part in a PeakSave Green Flex event, don’t opt into it when we invite you.
And it’s fine if you opt in but can’t actively take part. There’s no need to contact us and any electricity you use during the events will still be half price.
Every PeakSave email includes a link to unsubscribe if you don’t want us to contact you about it again. But if you unsubscribe, you won’t be able to rejoin PeakSave.
What will my PeakSave Green Flex credits be?
You’ll be charged for the electricity you use as normal, then we’ll credit your account or meter back with half of what you spent. We’ll also send a monthly PeakSave summary – so you can see how much you’re saving.
You’ll pay your daily standing charge at your normal rate. This will not be discounted.
The amount you earn will depend on your energy tariff, unit rate and how much electricity you use during the events.
Want to know more about PeakSave?
PeakSave Sundays
Get half-price electricity every Sunday from 11am to 4pm.
Learn more about our PeakSave flexible energy initiative.
Additional information
You’ll pay your daily standing charge at your normal rate. This will not be discounted.
PeakSave Green Flex events are subject to eligibility criteria and terms and conditions, which can be found in full here.
For PeakSave Green Flex, customers will receive a credit on their account or meter related to their electricity usage, calculated by using your smart meter readings. The number of units of electricity used will be multiplied by 50% of your tariff rate after VAT.
Your bill credit will normally appear on your credit electricity account within two weeks of each PeakSave Green Flex event ending, although it could occasionally take longer to credit your account. If you prepay for your electricity, a payment message will be applied to your meter within 10 working days of the end of the month. There will be three attempts to post the payment on the meter within these 10 working days. If the payment does not appear on the meter for any reason, then a cheque or top-up code will be sent to you within a further five working days.