Are EV tariffs worth it?
Published 27th February 2025 | British Gas
If you own an electric vehicle (EV), you’ve probably heard about EV tariffs. These are special energy tariffs designed for EV owners. They offer cheaper electricity rates during off-peak hours compared to peak hours – typically overnight when demand is low. The idea is simple: charge your car when it’s cheaper and save money on your energy bills.
In the last few years, EV tariffs have grown in popularity and it’s easy to see why. With a two-rate tariff you can take advantage of a cheap electricity night-rate to charge your car while you’re sleeping. Then pay a higher day-rate to power your home.
Whether you’re looking for an EV tariff, a charger or thinking about switching to an electric vehicle, there are a lot of different things to consider. So, in this blog we’re going to take a deep dive into EV tariffs and explore what they are, as well as whether an EV tariff is worth it.
But before we get into it, are you curious about how much you could save?
Check out our EV tariffs and try our EV tariff calculator for a personalised savings estimate.
What is an EV tariff?
An EV tariff is simply a special electricity deal that gives you cheaper power when most people are sleeping. The price drops during off-peak hours (usually between midnight and 5am), which means you can charge your car for less while you're tucked up in bed.
Many electric cars now let you set charging times through their apps. So just like setting an alarm on your phone, you can schedule your car to charge when the cheaper rate kicks in. That way, you can plug in when you get home, but your car will wait for the cheaper hours to start charging.
To make the most of an EV tariff, you’ll need an electricity smart meter which you can get installed by your energy supplier for free.1 Your smart meter will then automatically send meter readings to your supplier, so they can be sure to bill you at the off-peak price when you charge up overnight.
Benefits of EV tariffs
Switching to an EV tariff comes with a range of benefits that makes home charging cheaper, smarter and more sustainable. Here’s how:
Cost savings: Simple ways to save
Charging your car at night isn't just convenient – it's much cheaper. Here at British Gas, our off-peak rate is competitively priced at just 7.9p per kWh.
But did you know that with our Electric Driver tariff you can use these cheaper hours for more than just your car? Pop your dishwasher or washing machine on overnight and save even more.
Convenience: Power up while you power down
Set it and forget it – that's the beauty of EV tariffs. Just use your charger or EV management app to schedule your EV charges during the cheaper night-time hours. So you can wake up knowing your vehicle is ready for the day ahead (even if you need a coffee first).
Flexibility: Works with what you’ve got
Most EV tariffs are suitable for all EV drivers, no matter what type of charger you use.
Sustainability: Better for the planet
Nighttime charging isn't just easier on your wallet – it's kinder to the grid too. By using electricity when demand is lower, you're helping to balance the network and support renewable energy.
Additional perks: A year of free driving
Haven't got a home charger yet? Get a Hive EV charger installed by us and we’ll give you 12 months of free home charging when you pair it with a British Gas tariff. Plus, we'll upgrade you to a smart meter if you don’t already have one, at no cost, making it even easier to track your savings. Please note, offers are subject to availability.
Are EV tariffs right for you?
Let’s break this down by what really matters for most people – saving money. If you typically charge your car at home and your job and lifestyle mean you can regularly plug it in overnight, then an EV tariff could save you money over time.
The maths is simple – the more you can shift your charging to those cheaper nighttime hours, the more you’ll save.
It’s also worth mentioning that with British Gas EV tariffs it doesn’t matter what make or model of electric vehicle you drive. It can be fully electric or a plug-in hybrid.
And if you’re considering our Electric Driver tariff, it’s not important what type of charger you own.
Try our EV tariff savings calculator to see how much you could save.
Frequently asked questions about EV tariffs
What are off-peak hours for EV tariffs?
The exact off-peak hours vary depending on your energy supplier. However, they will usually be at night because this is when electricity use is lower, so there’s less demand on the grid.
At British Gas, our off-peak hours run from 12am – 5am every night.
There are lots of ways you can take advantage of cheaper, off-peak electricity – like setting the tumble drier and dishwasher to come on at night. You’ll find more information and ideas in our blog on how to save money with off-peak electricity.
Do I need a smart meter to use an EV tariff?
Most energy suppliers will require you to have an electricity smart meter to sign up for their EV tariff.
Here at British Gas, all our EV tariff customers need to have an electricity smart meter. It helps us track exactly when you’re using electricity, so you’ll always get the right rates at the right times. And an accurate bill.
If you haven’t already got one, we offer free smart meter installations for all our customers.
Can I benefit from an EV tariff if I don’t charge my vehicle daily?
Absolutely! As long as at least 15% of usage falls within the off-peak period you’ll start to realise savings– the key is making sure most of it happens during those cheaper night time hours.
Plus, you can take advantage of off-peak energy prices for other appliances too. For example, most dishwashers have a timer – so you can set it to come on at 2am to tap into that lovely, low-cost energy.
How can I calculate my EV tariff?
Our EV tariff calculator is a quick, free and easy way to work out your potential savings.
What are the benefits of using British Gas EV tariffs?
British Gas offers a competitive off-peak rate at 7.9p per kWh.
And we offer additional perks, like 12 months of free charging when you buy an EV charger from our friends at Hive. We’ll also upgrade you to a smart meter at no cost if you don’t already have one, to make sure your bills are always accurate and it’s easy to track your savings.
How can I switch to a British Gas EV tariff?
We’ve made it quick and easy to switch. Get a quote online in minutes and we’ll take care of everything else – including sorting you out with a smart meter if you need one.
If you’re an existing British Gas customer, it’s even easier. Just log in to your account to switch.
Thinking of installing an EV charger at home? We answer your questions.
Additional information
Excludes smart charging services which automatically schedule your charging during cheaper, greener times of the day. Pairing your British Gas Electric Driver tariff with the Hive EV charger is the cheapest way to charge your vehicle in the UK.