Who is Centrica Business Solutions?

We build, operate and maintain energy assets that help organisations to decarbonise and save money. Specialising in 1MW+ onsite, behind-the-meter energy solutions for the public sector and large industrial businesses - encompassing large-scale Solar PV, hydrogen-ready Combined Heat and Power (CHP), and commercial Heat Pumps.

Visit the Centrica Business Solutions website

Key figures

Over 2500 CHP units

Combined Heat and Power (CHP) units installed and commissioned.

16,000+ solar projects

Solar PV systems installed and commissioned.

33 billion data points

Energy data points collected every month.

Our energy solutions

The energy landscape is constantly changing, and many organisations are taking control of their usage and spend with onsite generation.

We deliver a wide range of energy solutions to help businesses meet their cost and decarbonisation goals. And by keeping you up to speed on emerging technologies too, we can help you to ensure you're prepared for the energy landscape of the future too.

Combined Heat and Power

Save up to 40% on your energy bills, compared to traditional heating and supply, with a 1-3 year typical payback period.

Combined Heat and Power

Large-scale Solar projects

Save money on your electricity supply with cost-effective, sustainable and reliable energy.

Commercial Solar

Commercial Heat Pumps

Access net zero heating that meets your cost and carbon goals with flexible, cost-effective Heat Pumps.

Commercial Heat Pumps

Our success stories

From manufacturers to hospitals; and from horticulture to leisure - organisations come to us to increase operational efficiency, enhance business resilience, manage costs and reduce CO2 emissions. Take a look at our case studies to see how we help organisations meet their energy goals.

Case studies

Part of Centrica plc

Both British Gas Business and Centrica Business Solutions are part of Centrica plc 200-year old, FTSE-100 listed energy services and solutions company.
As a group, we're energising a greener, fairer future for all. Supported by 7,000+ engineers and technicians, we deliver innovative energy and services solutions to help solve customers needs.

Centrica Plc