How managing your business energy online can help lower bills

16 Nov 2022

If you operate any kind of business, there's a good chance you've thought about ways to save energy and reduce costs. You might have even implemented a few energy-saving measures or taken the first steps on the journey to net zero. But over time, it's easy for efficiencies to slow and strategies to stall. So even if you're able to benefit from the government's new Energy Bill Relief Scheme, and without the high cost of energy creating added pressure, revisiting your usage before winter could be a priority. 

The business benefits

There are savings to be made no matter what industry you're in: according to The Carbon Trust, an energy-efficient office can save 65% on its energy bills*; zoned heating in restaurants can keep customers and staff comfortable while saving the business money; installing the right lights in retail offices can reduce energy costs by up to 15%*; and using thermostats, timer switches and radiator valves to control heat in hotels can play a vital role in preventing overheating rooms and corridors unnecessarily. The key to success is understanding the specific energy needs of your business. And there’s one resource that can help you get started if you’re a British Gas Business online account.

Here are 3 ways you can use yours to help lower your bills this winter:

1. Analyse your previous winter bill history

Unless your business operations have changed dramatically over the summer, viewing your energy bills from the previous winter can be a useful tool. Here you can see exactly when your energy use starts to rise, giving you a good indication of what to expect this year and when you need to take action.

2. Check your consumption graphs

While a bill can tell you how much gas or electricity you've used overall, consumption graphs show you how much gas or electricity you use throughout the month and quarter. This allows you to check for things like days or times when your energy consumption is higher than normal (or expected) and spot times when energy is being wasted. Such as equipment being left on overnight or out-of-hours

3. Provide a meter reading to avoid paying too much

All-energy suppliers need regular readings from your gas or electricity meter to calculate your bills. Otherwise, your bills will be estimated. This can lead to a bill that's too low, meaning you'll have to make up the shortfall later. Or it will be too high, and you'll end up paying more than you need to. Both scenarios can be easily avoided either by submitting regular metering readings online or by requesting a smart meter. Once connected, your smart meter readings are sent automatically, and you'll get more accurate bills.

It starts with an online account

With everything going on right now, it's easy to lose focus of energy efficiencies as you concentrate on running your business. However, an online account puts you back in control at a time when businesses – big and small – need it most. There you can view your balance and past bills, submit your meter readings so you only pay for what you use, and see your consumption graphs to help manage your costs. In a challenging market, it offers a simple yet useful tool for reducing consumption and lowering your bills, while helping you get back on track with your net zero journey.

You can log into your online account here. Or if you haven’t already, you can register for an account in just a few minutes here.

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