What our experts are saying about green energy and climate change

08 November 2023

Future Net Zero worked with two of our experts Laura Plimbley, Product Lead, and Oliver Kruc, Enterprise Sales Channel Manager to create two new podcasts which talk through the changes within climate change and the uptake of renewable energy.

Laura Plimbley speaks in depth about the threat of climate change and the adjustments many businesses have had to make in order to achieve net zero goals. She comments on the actions businesses can take both by changing to renewable suppliers and cutting emissions when this is not possible. 

Listen to Laura Plimbley

Oliver Kruc comments on the decrease in the rate or renewable energy uptake that has been seen recently. He speaks on the possible causes of the decrease including the energy crisis and the cost of energy whilst also acknowledging the governments role in the recent changes in legislation pushing net zero further into the future. There is a greater need for greener energy however it understood that this may not be plausible for many businesses short term due to the large costs involved.

Listen to Oliver Kruc

Learn more about the role of British Gas business in net zero and carbon neutrality. 

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