Small business energy support fund

20 Mar 2023

Due to the current volatile energy market and ensuring businesses are supported, British Gas business has launched a support fund for small business customers who are struggling with their business energy bills.

This means support for small businesses like pubs, cafes, restaurants and hairdressers, with existing energy debt.

The support is part of our bigger £50m energy support package for residential prepayment customers.

How do I apply for small business energy support through British Gas?

You don’t need to do anything to apply. We’ll be contacting small businesses who are eligible for this support. Grant sizes will vary depending on the business need and will be paid throughout the next six months through to August 2023.

How will the small business energy support fund work?

We’ll set up a payment plan for eligible businesses that don’t already have one. Once you’ve contributed to paying off 50% of your debt, we will write off the remainder.

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