Business help & support

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Pay your business energy bill
Make a payment Paying my bill Something's wrong with my bill Help pay energy or service bills - financial support Getting a refund Set up a Direct Debit

Our help categories

I need help with my home account

UK Government help for business

Read about the latest energy schemes the Government has announced to support businesses with the cost of energy bills. Their eligibility criteria can change at any time.

Government schemes

Save time with an online account

Online meter readings, bills and payments put you in control of your business energy. It's easy and secure.

Log in Register

Frequently Asked Questions

What's my MPAN/MPRN/meter serial number?

Information on what MPAN, MPRN and meter serial numbers are and where to find them.

What is my MPAN or MPRN?

How much will it cost to get a new gas/electricity connection?

Setting up a new gas or electricity connection, how long this takes and payment options.

New gas or electricity connections

How to pay my gas/electricity bill?

Information and options for paying your bills including BACS or bank transfers and using cheques.

How to pay my business energy bill

I have problems with my online account.

Information on what to do if you can't log in to your online account, unlocking your account, why your latest bill may not be visible in your online account and how to view all of your accounts in one place.

Problems with my online account

How do I submit a meter reading?

How to submit a reading both online and offline, submitting multiple meter readings and troubleshooting.

Submit a meter reading