Standards of Performance

Ofgem’s Standards of Performance offer micro businesses certain guarantees if we miss or cancel an appointment with less than one working day’s notice.

In this article

When do the Standards of Performance apply?

What to do when Standards of Performance have not been met

When Standards of Performance DON'T apply

When do the Standards of Performance apply?

If you're a micro business we may have to compensate you if we:

  • Miss or arrive late at a booked appointment
  • Give you less than one day’s notice to re-book
  • Don't offer a four-hour appointment slot
  • Don't send an engineer who has the skills and experience to carry out the work planned

Booked appointments could be any of the following: 

  • When we or our agents need access to your business site
  • When you ask us, as your business gas or electricity supplier, to come to your business site for us to carry out work
  • Smart meter installations and pre-installation appointments

What to do when Standards of Performance have not been met

If you're a micro business and owed compensation, you don't need to do anything as we'll automatically make a compensation payment to you.


We'll credit your business energy account with £40 within 10 working days of that failure. We'll send you a letter to confirm we've credited your account.

If we miss the 10 working days timescale, we'll compensate you with another £40.

When Standards of Performance DON'T apply

  • If you cancel the booked appointment
  • If we rearrange or cancel a booked appointment with more than one working days’ notice
  • If something beyond our control stops us from attending, such as severe weather conditions. If this happens, we'll contact you as soon as we can to reschedule your appointment
  • If we're looking into a genuine dispute, such as a failed installation.
  • If the booked appointment was about something other than your business gas or electricity supply, such as energy efficiency measures
  • If we believe an appointment is not needed
  • If an offence has been committed under the Gas or Electricity Act as outlined in Standards of Performance regulations
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