Business smart meter data opt-out

Opting out of smart data is easy, but you'll lose potential benefits
Smart meter opt-out form

Think twice before opting out...

The usage data from your smart meter can give you important insights into the way your business uses energy.

If you don't opt-out, we'll collect daily or half hourly usage data from your business smart meter and may use this for commercial purposes, for example to develop new products and services.

If you're half-hourly settled, you can't opt-out as we collect your half hourly data for billing purposes.

We'll never provide the data to any third party, unless required to by law, without your express permission.

Busting Smart meter myths

Your smart meter's not a salesman, a spy or a pushover. It only knows how much energy you used and when you used it, not what you used it for. You're in control of the meter, not the other way round. But the more we know about your energy use, the more useful we can be to you.

What does opt-out mean?

  • We won't collect or store your smart meter data
  • We won't share data with you
  • We won't be able to offer you personalised energy saving tips

      We'll still take a monthly reading to give you accurate bills.

If you'd still like to opt-out
Smart data opt-out form

Read more about Smart meters for business