Supplier of Last Resort

Over the last couple of years, British Gas has welcomed customers from several suppliers that have gone out of business as part of the Supplier of Last Resort (SoLR) process.

Login to your online account to see what gas and electricity tariffs we have available.

If you’ve joined us and have any questions, please check out our detailed FAQs.

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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

FAQ contents

  1. What's happening to my energy supply?
  2. How will my tariff, payments & bills change?
  3. Your standing charge
  4. What happens to my previous account?
  5. What if I want to go to a different supplier?
  6. What’s happening with my new British Gas account?
  7. I have a Smart Export Guarantee payment, how am I affected?
  8. I'm on a pre-payment meter, how am I affected?
  9. I'm moving to a new property, what should I do?
  10. I need some extra help
  11. I want to get in contact with British Gas
  12. I have an emergency

What's happening to my energy supply?

Why has my supplier changed?

You may have seen that energy prices soared in Autumn 2021. This has caused a number of energy supplier to cease trading as they are unable to cope with these record level prices.

If your energy supplier ceased trading, you may have been automatically transferred to us by Ofgem (our energy regulator). They have asked us to step in for a number of companies that have ceased trading as the Supplier of Last Resort (SoLR).

We're sorry you're in this situation, but we will aim to make the transfer process as smooth as possible. For more information on the energy market and news updates, please take a look at our energy price news page. You can also read Ofgem’s advice to you here.

Will I lose my gas or electricity supply?

No, your energy supply will continue uninterrupted throughout the transfer process.

As your supplier’s no longer trading, your account reference numbers will change – they’ll close your old account and we’ll set you up with a new one with British Gas.

If you’re having any problems with your gas or electricity supply, just let us know - we're here to help. Please check the section below on “What do I do if there's an emergency with my gas/electricity supply?”.

What should I do now?

You don't need to take any action immediately - the advice from Ofgem is to wait until your new account is set up until you do anything else. We'll work together your previous supplier to make your switch is as smooth as possible. However, there are two things you can do to help:

  • Take a note of your meter readings, and submit them to your previous supplier. This will make sure your final bill from them is accurate, and that your new British Gas account is set up based on the most up-to-date information. As part of setting up your account, we’ll be in touch to ask for a meter reading.
  • Make a record of your most recent statement with your previous supplier. If you don't have a statement, a screenshot of your account balance will work well instead.

What happens if I have a smart meter?

If you have a smart meter, in most cases it should continue to operate in smart mode and be unaffected by the transfer to British Gas. However, an older model smart meter may lose some of its functionality. Don’t worry - your energy supply won’t be disrupted, and it will continue to work as an old-style meter. It just means that rather than it automatically sending us your meter readings, you'll need to supply the readings to us in the more traditional way. We'll work with you to get it back on smart mode.

If you have a Pay As You Go smart meter, when you transfer to your British Gas account, you may be set up as a credit customer. We’ll be in touch if that’s the case.

For customers with Smart Economy 7 meters, you may have been having some issues with your heating or hot water not working. We are trying to fix this issue before your account is set up – if this hasn’t been completed in time and you are still having issues, please get in touch. In the meantime, your meter won't have any smart functionality and you may need to submit a meter reading to us.

How will my tariff, payments & bills change?

Why is the credit on my British Gas bill different to the figure due from my previous supplier?

Don't worry we've applied the full amount of credit to your account - the difference is because the amount provided by your previous supplier is inclusive of VAT whereas your British Gas bill shows it before VAT has been applied.

Will I stay on the same tariff?

As you’re transferring away from your old supplier, you won’t stay on the same tariff as it was only offered by them.

We understand this might difficult to hear, but be assured we want to do all we can to help find the best offer for you.

If you pay for your energy by Direct Debit or quarterly bill, we’re creating a specialised, competitively-priced tariff for you – you can find specific details about this on your individual supplier page above. Rest assured, your tariff is in line with the Ofgem energy price cap and is the best offer we can give you at this time.

If you pay by Pay As You Go meter, you’ll be transferred onto our affordable Safeguard PAYG tariff.

We'll write to you with the details, and you can view all the information on your new tariff, including the standing charge and unit rate, on our Tariff Information Page. Simply enter your postcode, fuel and meter type and select either The People’s Tariff, Price Promise Apr 2022 or Safeguard PAYG to see the full details.

We understand you want to feel in control of your energy costs - your new tariff has no exit fees, you're not tied in, and you can switch at any time. But please be aware that Ofgem advise you to wait until your new account is set up, so that the process for finalising your old account and returning any outstanding credit to you can run smoothly.

We have a great range, including our award-winning Green Futures tariff, waiting for you to choose from when your account is ready.

How do I set up a Direct Debit with British Gas?

You don't need to do anything to set up your Direct Debit right now - we're working to get your new British Gas account set up first. It'll take a couple of weeks to get your account ready, and at that point we'll contact you to get your Direct Debit set up through your online account or over the phone.

If you previously paid by Direct Debit, we’re aiming to make your switch even smoother by transferring your current Direct Debit over from your previous supplier to us. The process can take a while, and we’ll let you know if we’ve been able to make the transfer and give you details of your new monthly payments.

If you’ve already cancelled yours, or you just want to set one up yourself, that’s great too. It’ll take around four weeks until your account is ready to set one up - however sometimes there are exceptions to this but we will work to try and get things set up as soon as possible and we’ll be in touch to let you know. The easiest way to set up a Direct Debit with us is by logging in to your online account.

Will my bills go up?

We can't tell you yet if your bills will go up or down, but they will change. We're setting up a new account for you, and where possible we'll work with your previous supplier to understand your usual energy usage and to get up-to-date meter readings, so that your bills are based on what you've actually used, and not on estimates. If you have a smart meter in most cases this should happen automatically.

It’s important to note that your most recent bills from your previous supplier may have been based on usage during the summer period, when we all tend to use less electricity and gas – but your new British Gas account is starting in the autumn, when we tend to use more energy in our homes – so you can expect them to be higher initially. However, you can be confident you're on a competitive tariff in line with the Ofgem Price Cap.

Another reason you may see a change in your price could be if your most recent bills with your previous supplier were based on estimated readings, and so not as accurate as they might be. By submitting meter readings, your bills will be correct for your actual energy usage.

Why is my new tariff more expensive than at my previous supplier?

Current global wholesale energy prices are putting pressure on the energy market. Gas and electricity prices around the world have reached record levels. Some smaller suppliers have ceased trading, because they can’t afford to buy energy at the increased cost. This leaves them unable to fulfil their commitments to supply energy to their customers. You don’t have to worry about that with us – we’re a responsible supplier that charges a fair price for energy. Find out more about our prices and how we’re trying to get you the best tariffs available.

I've been sent my contract pack and my Personal Projection looks really high. What can I do?

We've set up your account based on the information passed to us by your previous supplier about your energy usage. We're finding that some of these are very inaccurate, and your account might be one. If this is the case, we're sorry that you've received an inaccurate Personal Projection. We're working to identify customers affected by this and will make contact with you - alternatively you can call our team on the numbers below:

If you used to pay by Direct Debit or quarterly bill you can contact us on 0333 202 9802, if you were on Pay As You Go you can contact us on 0330 100 0303. 1

To fix the issue we'll need an accurate meter reading, as it's likely due to estimated meter reads on your previous supplier account 1

How can I understand my bill better?

Want to know what everything means on your British Gas energy bill? Read our guide to understanding your energy bill.

Your standing charge

What is a standing charge?

A standing charge is a fixed daily amount that you have to pay for your electricity or gas. The charge covers the costs that we have to pay to deliver your energy, and will cover maintenance and other costs, for example, maintaining your connection to the power network. Think of it like a line rental, but for your energy rather than your phone.

How is the Standing Charge applied from when British Gas was appointed to be my energy supplier?

We were appointed as your supplier by Ofgem on a specific date - however in order to get your account set up, this has/will take a few weeks, so your energy supply start date is different to your appointment date.

Your standing charge begins when you are appointed as our customer, so we will therefore retrospectively add this charge from the date you were appointed to us by Ofgem. You will see this charge appear on your first bill if sent after the 10th November. If you have already received a bill then the charge will appear on your subsequent bill. This retrospective charge will only appear once.

What happens to my previous account?

What happens to the credit I had with my previous supplier?

The good news is that domestic customer credit balances are protected by Ofgem regulations. The administrators of your previous supplier will finalise your account with them, and provide us with the details of what credit balance remains, which we'll then be able to apply to your new British Gas customer account. However, it may take a while for your credit to be transferred – in our experience, around two-three months or even longer.

It's also important to be aware that if your recent bills with your previous supplier were based on estimated, instead of actual meter readings, your final credit may vary significantly from your previous bill. The best thing you can do to help the process run quickly and smoothly is submit a meter reading to your previous supplier.

This part is out of our hands as we have to wait for your previous supplier and their administrators to complete the process. We know it isn't an ideal situation, and we'll keep you informed throughout. Any valid credit owing to you will be honoured, and we'll be in touch to tell you when it has been transferred to your new British Gas account.

Money you have paid into your account will be refunded to you if you are in credit. Costs for the energy you have used, but have not had a bill for, will be deducted from your account balance.

The best way to keep informed is to visit our customer update page for your supplier – you can find all this at the top of the page.

What happens if I had outstanding payments or debits with my previous supplier?

We're working with the parties involved to understand how any outstanding payments or debits will work. As each company that’s gone out of business is being dealt with by different administrators, the outcome will vary for each one. It may be several weeks until the approach for your previous supplier’s customers in this situation is agreed, after which either British Gas or the appointed administrator will be in touch with you. The best way to stay up-to-date is by checking out our update page for your supplier – this is at the top of the page.

I've already complained to my previous supplier. Can you sort it out for me?

If you have a complaint, we may be able to help you. Visit our complaints page at and we'll show you all your options.

Already escalated your complaint to the Energy Ombudsman or Citizens Advice?

They will contact you to explain what happens next. If you don't hear from them, visit and we'll see what we can do to help.

I left my previous supplier before they went bust, what happens to my outstanding balance with them?

If your previous supplier had started to close your account, but you were still waiting for your final bill from them, then they will be finalising your account as part of concluding their operations. Any credit due to you will be transferred to British Gas – but please note this usually takes 8-12 weeks. On receipt of your credit, we’ll create a closed account for you and issue the refund to you. We apologise that the process is so long, but unfortunately it’s out of our hands. You can check your supplier update page above which we’ll update regularly and will tell you when we’re expecting the credits to come through.

What if I want to go to a different supplier?

Can I move to another supplier before the transfer to British Gas?

Ofgem’s advice is to complete your transfer to British Gas first before you think about switching to another supplier. That will make the process of returning any outstanding credit you had with your previous supplier much more straightforward. You can read Ofgem's guide here.

Once your new British Gas account is set up, you can switch away or choose from any of our market-leading tariffs. We're confident we've got the right one for you - and we'll let you know when your transfer is complete and it's a good time to check out our offers.

In the meantime, we're setting you up on a great tariff - you can find specific details about this on the individual supplier pages above. Rest assured, our new tariffs are competitively priced in line with the Ofgem energy price cap. We'll write to you with your unit rate and standing charge.

If you pay by Pay As You Go meter, you’ll be transferred onto our affordable Safeguard PAYG tariff.

We'll write to you with the details soon, and you can view all the information on your new tariff, including the standing charge and unit rate, on our Tariff Information Page. Simply enter your postcode, fuel and meter type and select either The People’s Tariff, Price Promise Apr 2022 or Safeguard PAYG to see the full details.

Can I leave without paying any exit fees?

We really hope you choose to stay with us, but if you do leave British Gas, don't worry - you won't pay any exit fees. Do please note that Ofgem's advice is to wait until your account is set up before switching, to make the process of finalising your account with your previous supplier and returning any outstanding balance to you run smoothly.

I started switching to another supplier, then found out my previous supplier had stopped trading. Will my transfer still go ahead?

Yes, your transfer should go ahead as normal and you'll hear from your new supplier. If not, you can start your switch again as soon as your account is fully set up and you won't pay any exit fees.

What’s happening with my new British Gas account?

I’m a dual fuel customer but only received one contract pack, what should I do?

If you had two separate account numbers with your previous supplier, then you’ll have individual contracts with British Gas too. You’ll receive two contract packs - if you’ve only had one so far, the next will be on its way and should be with you soon.

I’m a Direct Debit customer but my contract pack shows that I’ve been set up on “cash/cheque” – what should I do?

We’re starting all customers' new British Gas accounts on a cash/cheque basis so we can get you up-and-running quickly.  We’re working hard to make your move back to Direct Debit but this process can take around six weeks. When it’s done, we’ll let you know and provide you with details of your new monthly payments.

Why is there a gap between my previous supplier going out of business and my Supply Start Date on my new British Gas account?

We’ve taken over responsibility for your energy supply and transport costs from the date we were appointed by Ofgem under their Supplier of Last Resort (SOLR) safety net. However, due to current capacity constraints within the UK energy industry, it can take several weeks for all information on a supply switch to be processed. So the Supply Start Date you see reflects the date we were able to complete the data transfers to set up your account. But rest assured, we’ve been your supplier from the date we were appointed.

How do I register to manage my account online and download your app?

It’s easy. Just click here to start registering online. And if you want to check your energy usage from your mobile, you can download the app onto iOS and Android devices. Read more about the benefits of our app and find links on how to download it.

I'm on a pre-payment meter, how am I affected?

Can I still use my existing pre-payment device?

Yes, you can still use your existing pre-payment device to purchase energy at any of your usual outlets and top-up as normal. Any balance on your meter will remain available for you to use. We'll send you out a new British Gas key or card once your new account is set up.

When they arrive, make sure you read the information included to see if you need to change where you top-up, and it's important you start using them immediately.

If you have a smart pre-payment meter, the transition from your previous supplier to British Gas may cause your meter to switch to credit mode. We'll be in touch if that happens.

Which top-up facilities can I use?

For now, you can continue to top-up at the same vendors you've been using with your previous supplier key or card. When we send out your replacement British Gas key or card and you start using them to pay for your energy, you'll need to use the convenient British Gas top-up services, either located at your local PayZone or Post Office. Please note, we don’t support top-ups at PayPoint. You can find more information and top-up locations here.

My previous supplier top-up card or key is not working, or lost, what should I do?

If your existing payment device has stopped working, or is lost, please call 0330 100 0303.

What should I do if my pre-payment meter isn't working?

If you have a Pay As You Go Energy gas or electricity meter and it goes off supply, we’ll look after you. You can contact us on 0330 100 0303 to arrange for one of our engineers to visit your property and support you to get your supply back on.

I've been paying off a debt on my pre-payment meter, what will happen to it?

Your existing agreement with your previous supplier for paying off any debt on your meter is still in place and your meter will continue to apply debt recovery at the same rate. When you receive your new British Gas payment devices and activate them in your meter, it will update your meter to our service and tariff. If you have a debt balance on your meter, your weekly recovery rate may be temporarily removed.

We're working with the parties involved to understand how any outstanding payments or debt will work. It may be several weeks until the approach for your previous supplier’s customers in this situation is agreed, after which either British Gas or the appointed administrator will be in touch with you.

The best way to keep informed with up-to-date news is by visiting our customer update page for your supplier. You’ll find this at the top of the page.

I'm moving to a new property, what should I do?

I notified my previous supplier that I was moving to a new property before they went out of business, what happens now?

What happen next will depend how far your previous supplier was in the home-move process:

  • If your previous supplier had closed your account for your old home, issued your final bill and sent you a refund or taken final payment, then your account will not have been transferred to British Gas.
  • If your previous supplier had started to close your account for your old home, but you were still waiting for your final bill, then they will be finalising your account as part of concluding all their operations. Any credit due to you for your old home will be transferred to British Gas – but please note this usually takes 8-12 weeks. On receipt of your credit, we’ll create a closed account for your old home and issue the refund to you. We apologise that this process takes so long, but unfortunately it’s out of our hands. You can check your supplier update page above which we’ll update regularly and will tell you when we’re expecting the credits to come through to us.
  • If your previous supplier was in the process of setting up a new account for you at your new home, then that account will likely have been transferred to British Gas.

If your account hasn’t been mover over to British Gas, we offer an excellent service at a price you can afford - please click on the link below to get a quote for your energy with us.

Get a quote

I'm moving property in the middle of my switch to British Gas, what should I do?

We know moving home is a stressful time. We're here to help, but we will need to finish transferring your account to British Gas before we can support you. Don’t worry, we’ll make sure you’re only billed up to when you were last responsible for the energy to the property. Once we’ve created your Customer Reference Number you can let us know about your move of property by logging in to your online account or calling our team.

I'm about to move property, what should I do?

It's easy to tell us you're moving property - simply login to your British Gas account and tell us you're moving home. We'll continue to work on your switch from your previous supplier, as well as making sure that any credits due are returned to you.

I need some extra help

I'm on the Priority Services Register. Will I stay on it when I switch to British Gas?

At British Gas, we make sure we look after all our customers. If you were on the Priority Services Register with your previous supplier and the information is passed to us, we'll add you to our Priority Services Register. If you need extra help, let us know here. You can also call us free on 0800 072 8625.

I'm on the Warm Home Discount scheme. Will I stay on it when I switch to British Gas?

We've been supporting our customers with the Warm Home Discount for over 10 years now. We know how important the scheme is to help with winter bills, and that you urgently want to know what will happen now. If you were accepted onto the Warm Home Discount scheme with your previous supplier for 2021/22 and the information was passed to us, we'll add you into the same scheme with British Gas. You'll be able to confirm this when your new British Gas account is set up. You can learn more about the Warm Home Discount scheme at British Gas here.

Need help understanding our services?

If you need help understanding our services, you can find out more in our codes of practice. You can find them online here.

Have you received a suspicious text or email?

We've heard some reports of fraudsters impersonating energy companies by text and asking recipients to set up a new Direct Debit as they have switched suppliers. See our Help and Support article to check whether any emails, calls or texts that appear to be from us are legitimate. Fraudulent messages can often be hard to identify, so please don’t give away information like your bank details until you’re sure it's not a scam.

I want to get in contact with British Gas

How do I contact you?

We hope these FAQs have answered your immediate questions. ​

Please don’t call us until you’ve received your contract pack, as we won’t be able to identify you on our systems before then. We’re helping a lot of customers at the moment, so it might take a while to get through.​

If you do need to get in touch, the easiest way is to visit our website and start a live chat with one of our friendly customer service advisors. This is available Monday to Friday 8am-8pm, Saturday 9am-5pm.​ You can also call us on the numbers below.​

If you used to pay by Direct Debit or quarterly bill you can contact us on 0333 202 9802, if you were on Pay As You Go you can contact us on 0330 100 0303.

I have a complaint

If you have a complaint, we want to help you. Visit our complaints page and we'll show you all your options.

I have an emergency

What do I do if there's an emergency with my gas supply?

The National Gas Emergency number is 0800 111 999. Call free if you think you have a gas leak, or you're worried that fumes escaping from a gas appliance contain carbon monoxide.

What do I do if there's an emergency with my electricity supply?

The electricity emergency number is 105. Call if you have an electrical emergency or a power outage. You'll be put through to your local electricity network operator who can help. It's free from most landlines and mobiles in England, Scotland and Wales.

Are your gas appliances safe?

We want all our customers to stay safe. Carbon monoxide leaks can happen if you have a faulty boiler, fire or other gas appliance. It's best to get them checked regularly and fit carbon monoxide detectors in your home. For more information visit

What should I do if my meter isn't working?

If you have a Pay As You Go Energy gas or electricity meter and it goes off supply, we’ll look after you. You can contact us on 0330 100 0303 to arrange for one of our engineers to visit your property and support you to get your supply back on.

If you have a credit meter – meaning you pay for your energy by quarterly bill or Direct Debit – and you have a previously booked appointment with your previous supplier for a non-emergency job, then this work is unlikely to take place. When your new British Gas account is set up we'll be happy to help, just contact us when you have your new account number to arrange for one of our engineers to visit your home.

Additional information

  1. Telephone lines are open Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm.