Kickstart the new year - 5 ways to boost energy efficiency

03 January 2025

As we look ahead to the New Year, now is a great time to approach your energy strategy with a renewed sense of purpose and optimism. The journey towards sustainability and energy efficiency has never been more critical, and 2025 presents a golden opportunity to make significant strides towards those net zero goals. The good news is, there are now a wide range of strategies to help businesses cut carbon emissions and reduce costs. Whatever your business’s size or consumption, there’s progress to be made.

New year, new goals

We explore five practical strategies that can help you pave the way for a more sustainable future. From embracing renewable energy sources to optimising your business energy efficiency, these steps are designed to not only help the environment but also help lower your energy bills too. So you can make 2025 your most sustainable year yet.

Here are 5 strategies to help you get started…

  • Set targets: To set your business up for success, it's important to set clear, actionable goals for reducing energy consumption - and there's no better time to start than the beginning of the new year. Not only does is represent an ideal time to instil better energy management habits, in a practical sense, you can also schedule in quarterly or 6-monthly review sessions to see what's working and what needs changing.

  • Embrace renewables: Renewable energy is a vital piece of the sustainability puzzle and there are now more options than ever depending on your business's appetite for upfront investment. For example, with commercial Solar photovoltaic (PV) you can generate your own energy on site, leading to substantial long-term cost and carbon savings. If your business premises are rented and Solar PV is not an option, it's still worth speaking to your landlord or facilities provider about any possible improvements that might help save energy. Or if you're not in a position to invest right now, businesses can also boost their green credentials with a renewable energy contact. We offer 100% Natural Renewable Electricity upgrade options, backed by Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin from natural energy sources such as solar, wind and hydro.

  • Focus on energy efficiency: Making your business more energy efficient is a great way to take back some control and reduce your costs - even small changes to your energy consumption can make a big difference to your energy bills. To make every effort count, you'll want to start by understanding how (and when) your business uses energy. As a British Gas customer, you can do this in a couple of ways. One is through an Online Account, where you can pay bills online, check your balance and statements, submit meter readings, manage Direct Debits payments, and view your energy use to help manage costs. Or for more detailed insight, the second thing you can do is to request access to your consumption data through our free platform Energy360 DataView, where you can monitor how much energy you use and its cost.

  • Review your energy strategy: It's important to make sure your energy strategy still meets your needs and check whether the energy plan you're on is still the right one for your business. We recommend exploring what new energy plans are available - as there might be something that suits your business better. Whether that's the simplicity of a fixed energy deal to give you budget certainty, or a more tailored approach to suit your business needs, we have a great choice of energy plans to support your goals.

  • Explore partnerships: If you want to make your business more sustainable but need help with the upfront investment costs, you might be able to get a grant. As part of the Government’s commitment to reach net zero emissions by 2050, there's almost £5 billion of funding is available to help UK businesses wanting to invest in green technologies.

Supporting your sustainability goals

Although the energy sector continues to challenge many businesses with elevated energy prices and persistent market volatility, we're committed to energising a greener, fairer future. That means working towards being a net zero business by 2045, with a 40% reduction in our greenhouse gases (GHG) by the end of 2034, and helping our customers be net zero by 2050, with a 28% reduction in GHG by the end of 2030. Together, we can take positive steps forward on the road to net zero - and make 2025 our greenest yet.

Read more in Green business.

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